While the game will have general improvements like bug fixes, you won’t need to worry about missing out on cutscenes/plot, missions, etc. Will content be added to previous chapters when a new one comes out?Ĭontent will not be altered in previously released chapters as new ones are produced. However, since we increased the total amount of sex scenes you’re still going to have access to more content per waifu within the first few releases that you were originally going to have in the entire game.

We always intended to make more pieces of the total Pandora content available the further you progress through the game. Will a waifu launch with all of her Pandora content or will this be updated over time? Keep your joysticks polished and ready, everyone…there’s plenty of action coming!

Expect a preview video and more details coming soon. Not only that, we’ve also significantly increased the amount of Pandora animations that will be available with each release beyond what we initially expected. This is why we confirmed there will definitely be more than 30 hours of content in our last announcement. However, when you take into account the average length of each chapter plus the fact that you get additional level 2-3 difficulty planet scenarios with each release, Subverse is going to be pretty damn big. We’re still doing internal testing, but we’ll detail the total expected gameplay length expected at launch in early Q1. This content includes the obligatory tutorial introduction levels and recruitment missions which add up to six chapters total. The initial release will include the first three waifus, DEMI, Lily and Killi. How much content will be in each chapter?
That doesn’t even include the devotion quests, which are almost like a second full questline per character. Currently there are TWENTY-TWO chapters in main script of the game. We originally planned on Subverse having 10 chapters total, and the original chapters were much shorter than the newer expanded ones. How many chapters are we getting once the game is complete?